When I chose to go backpacking around Europe, North America and Asia for 7 months as part of my first international trip, it was suggested by friends and family that I should keep a travel journal to remember all the memories. I was hesitant at first since journalling and being in touch with my feelings is something foreign to me. However, I decided to give it a go after quickly finding out that travelling isn’t just about exploring new sights, there’s plenty of downtime, especially on travel days during the commute between cities and countries.

The decision to journal my travels is something I’m glad I did as I can reflect on little details that I would have otherwise forgotten. For example, there’s an entry about the time I met a couple on the train to Florence who were also Australian and coincidentally grew up in my hometown. Minor interactions like these are things I wouldn’t have been able to recall on my own. However, my favourite part of my journal is seeing my confidence grow as a traveller and as a person. Going from someone who had an emotional breakdown in a French airport because they couldn’t find the exit to someone who now knows the ins and outs of different airport procedures, has been a journey that I’ve enjoyed reading.

This has led me to create Gede’s Travel Journal, a series where I’ll be sharing the trips and tribulations I faced overseas to give you a little insight into my travel experience. In addition to highlighting the activities I got up to in each country, this series will also explore the emotional rollercoaster I rode including periods I consider some of the darkest days of my life. I’ll be leaving everything on the table with no stone unturned to the point where there will be details that some of my closest confidants wouldn’t even know.

I hope you enjoy this series and get ready to strap yourself in…